Friday, December 28, 2012

Tram Watch In Dublin

Tram Watch In Dublin by infomatique
Tram Watch In Dublin, a photo by infomatique on Flickr.

I use the red line service on a daily basis and almost every day I witness some form of anti-social behaviour.

"Over the years Dublin City has seen an increase in incidents of anti- social behaviour. The public including those who use public transport often talk about these incidents and what can be done. Luas being an integral part of the city has also seen a rise in incidents of anti- social behaviour and we are intent on tackling this problem to ensure that your journey remains as seamless and enjoyable as possible."

"To this end we have adopted an approach to the matter and call this Tram Watch."

"Tram Watch is a multi-agency approach bringing together several departments of Veolia Transdev, Luas security provider STT, An Garda Síochána and the Department of Social Protection to ensure all Luas passengers have a valid ticket or social welfare travel pass and that no-one behaving in an anti-social manner is allowed on-board the trams or on Luas infrastructure."

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